In the not so distant future, I have no doubt that e-book readers will replace traditional books. Which is very good for the environment on several fronts, including less trees cut for paper making, less chemicals used for paper making, no ink used, less space required for books, no fuel required for shipping or distribution, etc.
However in the mean time the vast majority of us are still stuck with ink and paper books made in hard or soft cover. So what is my advise for "environmentally friendly" reading:
*Avoid hardcover books. These tend to weight 40-70% more than paperbacks, require more paper to produce, more energy to transport, more space to store, and are generally twice as expensive as their paperback counter parts.
*Buy a book with more pages, it will keep you entertained for longer, would require less trips to the library or the book store.
*Buy nonfiction, it takes longer to read.
*Get books from the library, and avoid owning books all together. This will come in handy on several fronts including space saving etc.
*Get as many books from the library as you can in one trip(assuming you read at home)
*Make a switch to e-books if you can.
*Give away or sell books that you do not want to keep.
*Buy used books.
*exchange books with friends.
*If you can read it, get the tinny pocket book edition that is around 2.5"x 4".
Now let me look in my crystal ball and tell you what I see; I see e-book readers starting to take off in about 3-5 years. This is assuming the same kind of price drop that most electronic gadgets follow.
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