Friday, June 27, 2008


Every green/enviro site has their own set of recommendations for car energy saving, so I wanted to mention a few of my own:

*Nitrogen tire filling. This is somewhat controversial, some studies show it does not work while others do, it is really hard to tell, but on the off chance that it might work, I would recommend it.

*Energy saving tires, these can actually work. Not sure if there would be any additional savings if these are combined with nitrogen tire filling. But if there is, the total would be 7-10% more mileage.

*I have seen very few sites mention the change of spark plugs, but with current fuel prices, it might not be a bad idea to change them before they are due for change.

*If your car is 10 years old, and you drive in the city more than you do on the highways, then now might be a good time to get either a compact car with a small 1.4-1.6ltr engine or a hybrid. Hybrids from Toyota and Honda are an excellent choice.

From a few article I read, I have already seen a shift in demand to smaller engine cars and Hybrids. I hope that car factories can keep up with this shift.

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